LPS® LV / Power Surge Protective Devices

LPS® LV / Power SPD

LPS has more than 20 different models in our SF, PM and RM Series to protect any electronic and electrical equipment from lightning surges on power system.

These devices offer surge capacity ranging from 25,000 to 320,000 amps per phase with common and differential protection modes. They can be used to protect instrumentation equipment, distribution boards, sub-switchboard, main switchboard, remote utilities and critical installation that require continuous protection.

LPS with its proprietary MOVMI (MOV Matching Instrument) can correctly match the MOVs to offer higher surge capacity and durable SPD at very affordable prices.

LPS® PM40 Series

LPS® PM40 Series

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They protect Distribution Boards (DB) receiving energy from Sub-Switchboards Boards (SSB) located in the same buildings

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LPS® PM40-240 & PM40-415Y

LPS® PM40-240 & PM40-415Y

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They protect Distribution Board (DB) receiving energy from Sub-Switchboard (SSB) located in the same building 

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LPS® PM75 Series 

LPS® PM75 Series  LPS® PM75 Series

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LPS® PM80 Series

LPS® PM80 Series

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They protect Sub-Switchboards (SSB) receiving energy from Main Switchboards (MSB) located in the same building and Distribution Boards (DB) receiving energy from licensee or MSB/SSB located in other building

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LPS® PM80-240 & PM80-415Y

LPS® PM80-240 & PM80-415Y

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They protect Sub-Switchboards (SSB) receiving energy from Main Switchboards (MSB) located in the same building and Distribution Boards (DB) receiving energy from licensee or MSB/SSB located in other building

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LPS® PM160 & PM240 Series 

LPS® PM160 & PM240 Series LPS® PM160 & PM240 Series

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